Wednesday, August 17, 2011

uous or just a little horny?

Well, last night I was naked in my bedroom and my dad needed my pile of dirty clothes to wash them and I was tired and upset about something that happened at school so I wasn't caring much about privacy and let him come in. Plus my back was facing so he only saw my . I'm a girl 14. Anyways, on his way out after he grabbed the pile he caressed my back and said "goodnight sweetheart". But he went down pretty low with his hand. So he also petted my . But the weird thing is that I liked it. Am I uous for that? Or was I just horny? This is not to say that he does that regularly. He rarely even SEES my naked backside. I just didn't really care about it this time because first of all he's my dad and we're close and secondly I figured we'd both forget about it by the morning. Also, there's this 17 y/o guy at my school I really like. Is there any way I can get him to do the same thing someday?

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